Deacons & Deaconesses
The deacons and deaconesses respond to the physical and social needs of the members and friends of Faith Bible Church. They care for the needs of those who are sick, elderly, widowed, or hurting, and help to administer the Benevolence Fund.
Deacons serving our church:
Bruce Borrett
Mike Goater
Ed Husmann
Steve Scott
Russ Telecky
Ken Tschopp
The trustees are responsible for the physical care and upkeep of the church’s building and property.
Trustees serving our church:
Wayne Anderson
Reggie Bean
Rob Bradley
Karl Brandt
David Church
Matt Cook
Steve Goedken
Craig Knoblock
Greg Renning
Please call the church office (319-393-7790) if you have a need or a question for the FBC deacons or trustees.