Day 3 | Your Story Is UniqueYour story is unique and makes you who you are today. It’s okay to be honestabout your story, your hurts, and your pain. In your story and in confession, youcan find healing through Jesus Christ.ENGAGE:As you reflect back on this series, think about one of the most …
Session 12, Devo 2: How do You Live with Sexual Integrity?
Day 2 | How Do You Live With Sexual Integrity?How do you live with sexual integrity? First, go to God. The Holy Spirit wants toguide you and help you. Second, find a trusted mentor who you can trust andspeak honestly to. Third, cultivate real relationships and godly friends. Fourth, beintentional …
Session 12, Devo 1: What does Sexual Integrity Mean?
Day 1 | What Does Sexual Integrity Mean?Sexual integrity means living a faithful and flourishing life as a sexual beingaccording to how God has designed us. It starts by following Jesus. He wants us tolive in submission to him and live according to his will.ENGAGE:What is a way you can work on …
Session 11, Devo 3: Let’s Seek God’s Truth
Day 3 | Let’s Seek God’s TruthCulture tells us we can do whatever we want as long as it’s “safe.” But we must beaware of the lies the enemy tells us, recognizing that he will use partial truth mixedwith blatant lies. God our Creator is the only one who really knows what’s best forus.ENGAGE:What is a …
Session 11, Devo 2: Honor and Respect Other Image Bearers of Christ
Day 2 | Honor And Respect Other Image Bearers Of ChristThe consequences of sexting could potentially affect your life many years down the road—once something is sent on a smart device, it can be out in the world for years. We must honor and respect one another, and sending inappropriate images …
Session 11, Devo 1: What Does Culture Say?
Day 1 | What Does Culture Say?Our culture will continue to shift as time goes on, and views on sexual integritymay drift further and further from God’s intent. As technology develops, peoplewill explore new ways to satisfy their sexual desires. It is important to prepareourselves to resist sexual …
Session 10, Devo 3: Friendships are Essential to Human Flourishing
Day 3 | Friendships Are Essential To Human FlourishingMeaningful friendships are essential to human flourishing. Romantic relationshipsshould not be a substitute for healthy, meaningful, Christ-centered friendships.Good friends are faithful, they are intentional, and they won’t flake out if …
Session 10, Devo 2: Put God at the Center
Day 2 | Put God At The CenterBoundaries are important to talk about because we should never underestimatehow powerful sexual temptation can be. You don’t know now what futuresituations you may find yourself in. It’s important to plan now what yourboundaries will be. In order to know what boundaries …
Session 10, Devo 1: Some Thoughts on Dating
Day 1 | Some Thoughts On DatingDating looks incredibly different today than it did even 100 years ago. The Bibledoesn’t give black and white guidelines on dating, but we can form healthyperspectives from biblical wisdom.ENGAGE:Do you relate to the idea of “Dating for Marriage” or “Dating for …
Session 9, Devo 3: God is Not Surprised by Anything
Day 3 | God Is Not Surprised By AnythingGod has sovereign power and authority over all of us. He allows certain things tooccur in the world, but God is not to blame that we are fallen human creatures.Regardless of our sexuality, we bear the image of God. He is not surprised byanything we feel or …
Session 9, Devo 2: Love is the Foundation
Day 2 | Love Is The FoundationGod gave us the ability to love others. Love is the foundation of Christianity. Truelove doesn’t have to be sexual. People of the same sex can find healthy and biblicallove with one another.ENGAGE:In what ways do you feel loved by your friends or family members?Find a …
Session 9, Devo 1: Let’s Seek Answers Together
Day 1 | Let’s Seek Answers TogetherThis video addresses some of the most common questions regarding LGBTQidentity.ENGAGE:Write down your top three questions and share them with a leader or parent.Searching out answers together can be one of the most rewarding gifts in yourjourney. …
Session 8, Devo 3: God Loves You Unconditionally
Day 3 | God Loves You UnconditionallyAs you listen to this testimony, remember that you are a child of God, an imagebearer of Christ, who created you and loves you unconditionally regardless of howyou feel about yourself.ENGAGE:Take time today to pray and ask the Lord to show you how he views you in …
Session 8, Devo 2: Your Value is in God!
Day 2 | Your Value Is In GodSome of you might be wrestling with your identity. God loves you and values you.You don’t need to conform to someone else’s stereotypes of what it means to befemale or male.ENGAGE:Have you wrestled with your gender identity? If so, please consider tellinga trusted leader, …
Session 8, Devo 1: We Embody the Image of God
Day 1 | We Embody The Image Of GodOur bodies are good, beautiful, and an essential part of who we are, because weare created in the image of God. Our biological sex, which God determines at birth,is part of how we embody the image of God. Biological sex is not determined byour internal sense of …
Session 7, Devo 3: The Holy Spirit is Stronger than Our Temptations
Day 3 | The Holy Spirit Is Stronger Than Our TemptationsThough temptations (whether sexual or otherwise) may be a constant part of ourlives, the Holy Spirit is stronger than our temptations. We have the choice to leaninto God’s grace and guidance. Only through Jesus can we receive …
Session 7, Devo 2: What is Sin?
Day 2 | What Is Sin?There is a clear distinction between (on the one hand) being attracted to the samesex and (on the other hand) lusting after or having sex with them. The Bible is clearthat temptation is not a sin; Jesus himself experienced temptation. But acting onlust or engaging in sexual …
Session 7, Devo 1: Jesus Seeks Us Out
Day 1 | Jesus Seeks Us OutAll of us fall short of God’s standards, but Jesus seeks us out anyway. When welook at Jesus’ life on earth, we see that he entered into relationships with peoplewho were rejected by others, and some of those people even became his disciples.ENGAGE:Reflect on Romans 2:4. Do …
Session 6, Devo 3: Allow Yourself to Heal and Grow
Day 3 | Allow Yourself To Heal And GrowIf you have struggled with habitual (or addictive) porn use and/or masturbation,these can be helpful next steps. If you haven’t, these steps can be useful as a formof prevention: (1) Go to Jesus. (2) Find a trusted friend or mentor who can help keep you …
Session 6, Devo 2: Masturbation Can Defeat Us
Day 2 | Masturbation Can Defeat UsAlthough the Bible does not explicitly say that masturbation is a sin, masturbationcan have many consequences. The bonding that naturally occurs in sex canstill occur in masturbation, not with a person but with an action. Habitualmasturbation can do more harm than …