Day 1 | Pornography Can Hurt And DestroyAlthough pornography may be uncomfortable to talk about, it is so important todiscuss. This topic isn’t exclusive to men; women can also struggle with habitual(even addictive) porn use. Porn has the ability to distort our view of other people,how we understand …
Christian Sexuality
Session 5, Devo 3: Success Looks Like Jesus
Day 3 | Success Looks Like JesusIt is completely normal to feel desire for a relationship and love and intimacy. Beencouraged, you can experience true and deep relationship without having sexand without marriage. Some people may tell you that success looks like marriage,but the Bible tells us that …
Session 5, Devo 2: You Are Not Condemned to a Life of Solitude
Day 2 | You Are Not Condemned To A Life Of SolitudeBeing single may make you feel like you are missing out on so many things, oreven like you are condemned to a life of solitude. But none of this is true. Thesethoughts are completely outside of God’s design for singleness.ENGAGE:If you didn’t get …
Session 5, Devo 1: We Find Abundant Life Only in Jesus!
Day 1 | We Find Abundant Life Only In JesusSingleness is a gift. Scripture never guarantees that everyone will get married.Jesus was single, and he was the perfect image of what it means to be human. Youare not lacking if you do not get married. Jesus promises us an abundant life bygiving us an …
Session 4, Devo 3: Healthy Relationships Take Work
Day 3 | Healthy Relationships Take WorkHealthy relationships and healthy marriages take a lot of work and self-reflection.Building a healthy marriage is possible, but only with daily self-sacrifice and aconsistent, faithful commitment to each other and to God. If you assume thatmarriage will solve …
Session 4, Devo 2: Jesus is the Groom & His Bride is the Church
Day 2 | Jesus Is The Groom And His Bride Is The ChurchMarriage reflects the truest reality that Jesus is the groom and his bride is theChurch. Marriage is a reflection of the relationship God has with us. But at thesame time, marriage should not be our end goal for fulfillment. We should focus onour …
Session 4, Devo 1: God Created Sex
Day 1 | God Created SexGod created sex! His first command to Adam and Eve in Genesis 1:28 is, “Be fruitfuland multiply.” Sex is for pleasure and procreation, and it has the ability to bondtwo people together. Bonding with another person during sex is both Biblical andscientific—it’s the way God …
Session 3, Devo 3: There is no Condemnation in Christ!
Day 3 |There Is No Condemnation In ChristPaul’s declaration to the Romans, “There is no condemnation in Christ,” is apowerful and redemptive proclamation. The words “no condemnation” mean thatyou are found innocent of any accusation, with no sentence inflicted and no guiltyverdict found. No matter …
Session 3, Devo 2: Jesus Wants a Relationship with You!
Day 2 | Jesus Wants A Relationship With YouGod wants to heal you from sexual hurt and shame, but you have to allow him.Maybe you struggle to see your own self-worth. If you want to know your value,you don’t need to find it anywhere else but in the Lord and a relationship with him.ENGAGE:Reflect on …
Session 3, Devo 1: Guilt vs. Shame
Day 1 | Guilt vs. ShameGuilt says we did something bad, while shame says we are bad. This difference isso important. Your identity, who you are, does not change when you sin. Shamecan be deceiving and cause you to hide yourself. In our shame we tend to run fromGod instead of to God. But God wants us …
Session 2, Devo 3: God is a God of Grace!
Day 3 | God Is A God Of GraceJesus engaged the outcasts during his days on earth. Time after time, he showedlove and extended grace to them. God is full of grace and understanding. He doesnot think we are repulsive—in fact, he wants to have a relationship with us. ENGAGE:What are some ways you have …
Session 2, Devo 2: You are Created in His Image!
Day 2 | You Are Created In His Image God is the maker of the tallest mountain and largest star, but he then made human beings in his image and said we are “very good.” God values you because you are the pinnacle of his creation and reflect his own image. You possess infinite value in his …
Session 2, Devo 1: In The Beginning…
Day 1 | In The Beginning… “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth…” is one of the most powerful phrases in the Bible. God is the beginning and end, he is the Creator, and he spoke the world into existence. ENGAGE: Read Genesis 1:1-2 and reflect on the fact that God is the Creator of …
Session 1, Devo 3: Who is Your Master?
Day 3 | Who Is Your Master?We can be controlled by so many things. The reality is, we all have a master:ourselves, our desires, other people, or God. When God is our master, we actaccording to our God-given design.ENGAGE:Name something or someone in your life that is an influence. Why is this …
Session 1, Devo 2: Are You Satisfied?
Day 2 | Are You Satisfied? Enjoying the indulgences of the world will leave you unsatisfied and ashamed. But the love of God and the work of the Holy Spirit can transform you, if you allow it. ENGAGE: Do you recognize when the Holy Spirit is nudging you? When was the last time you felt this feeling …
Session 1, Devo 1: God Created YOU!
God created you, your desires, and your body. And he loves you! We must center this conversation on sex around God’s love in order to fully understand his grand design. God is our heavenly father, and the heart of a good father is to love, bless and protect his children. ENGAGE: Do you see God as a …