Children’s Christmas Program, December 15, 6 PM
All are welcome to join us!
For those participating:
Practices for K – 5th grade (who have been attending 10:45 AM Children’s Church)
- Saturday, December 7, 9:00 AM-12:00 PM, sanctuary (a snack will be provided)
- Saturday, December 14, 9:00 AM-12:00 PM, sanctuary (Pizza will be served at the end of this practice)
Practices for preschool children (2 years – 5 years)
These children practice during the 9 AM and 10:45 AM services and do not have any Saturday practices. Preschoolers only need to attend one of the services to practice and be a part of the Christmas program on 12/15.
On Sunday, December 15, K – 5th grade participants should arrive by 5:30 PM in the chapel. Preschool children need to be in Room 108 by 5:45 PM.
Light Meal Following the Children’s Program:
If your child is in the program (preschool – 5th grade), please bring these items to share to the kitchen on the day of the program for the meal following the program.
Families with last names starting with:
A – F: Bring a tray of meat and/or cheese and crackers
G – K: Bring a tray of fruit or vegetables
L – R: Bring three dozen cookies
S – Z: Bring a platter of sandwiches
Please note, if you have more than one child participating, we ask that you bring extra.