Faith Bible Church is seeking a Pastor of Student Ministries to lead a comprehensive student ministry (6th-12th grade) that enables students to meet, know, and serve like Jesus with a goal of making disciples that make disciples (Matthew 28:19-20). On average, we welcome 100 MS & HS students each week to our ministry and events that are intentionally designed for disciple-multiplication and outreach. We have had only 3 men in this position in 26 years so we are a stable, supportive church. Our current Pastor of Student Ministries, who is in his tenth year of ministry with us, has accepted a new position with Dare2Share Ministries. Faith Bible Church has an average attendance of 500 and has 4 full time pastors (including this position). We have a beautiful facility with an auditorium that seats 600, and a lower level that is entirely dedicated to student ministries and was fully renovated in 2020.
For a full job description CLICK HERE.