We put together a list of some questions that people interested or new to our church may have before joining us for worship on Sunday morning. If you have additional questions, we are more than happy to answer them. You can call the church office workdays, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm or you can e-mail questions.
Where do I park?
We have parking on the east, west, and north sides of the building (map). Many people park on the east side and come in through the east doors by the business office. You’ll also walk through the hallway that has the mailboxes to go down to the foyer where you’ll find the sanctuary if you come in the east. Doors on the north side of the building are unlocked before the 9 AM service and in between services. West side doors are also open and available.
Where do I take my kids on Sunday morning?
If you are coming for the first time, we recommend stopping by the Children’s Ministry desk in the foyer. The CM desk is staffed with individuals who will be able to give you the information pertaining to your children and their ages. During the 9 AM service, nursery and Sunday School classes (preschool – 12th grade) are available.
- Kindergarten through 5th grade begin in the gym for worship and then to their individual classrooms.
- Preschool children are taken directly to their classrooms in the hallway to the north of the gym.
During the 10:45 AM service, nursery and pre-school are available. Children’s Church is available for Kindergarten through 2nd grade.
What is the Welcome Center and where is it located?
The Welcome Center is located in the foyer, right outside the sanctuary doors. It is staffed with a host or hostess that are able to answer your questions (or find someone that can!) and will walk you and your family to where you need to go in the building. There is a little gift for first time visitors as well.
How long does the worship service run? What does a worship service look like?
Service times are from 9 AM – 10:15 AM and 10:45 AM – 11:55 AM. Feel free to watch a video of our entire worship service by visiting our sermon page and clicking on a past sermon.
What do most people wear to church?
We are excited to welcome people to Faith Bible Church! Some attenders come in jeans, a few in suits but mostly, people wear what would be considered business casual. What is most important, is that you come ready to worship, learn and fellowship with other believers in Christ.
Does your church affiliate with a specific Christian denomination?
FBC is not affiliated with any specific denomination and is considered an independent, Bible church. We seek to glorify God by making disciples and equipping them to become fully devoted followers of Christ. To see a more detailed explanation of who we are and what we believe, check out what we believe and our full doctrinal statement.
How do I get involved in a small group?
Church does not just happen on Sunday morning. We want to see all our congregation members become connected through a small group where people can get to know and encourage one another and serve each other and the church throughout the week. In the fall of 2017, we are beginning Adult Bible Fellowships (ABFs) on Sunday mornings. For more information about ABFs, contact Pastor Chris. We also have community groups which meet twice a month on Sunday nights. Contact Pastor Levi if you’d like more information about community groups.
How do I become an official church member?
Contact the church office, 393-7790. Our office will put one of our elder board in touch with you to set up a membership interview. After the interview, membership approval will happen after the next time the elder board meets.