November 20: Update on Face Masks
Governor Reynolds, in her November 16 proclamation, declared that state mandated face mask requirements do not apply to churches. Thus, Faith Bible Church is following that state directive and is not requiring them. Governor Reynolds is highly encouraging people to wear them.
We must extend grace and the truths of Romans 14 to each other during these trying and changing days. Romans 14:2-4 says, “One person has faith that he may eat all things, but he who is weak eats vegetables only. The one who eats is not to regard with contempt the one who does not eat, and the one who does not eat is not to judge the one who eats, for God has accepted him. Who are you to judge the servant of another? To his own master he stands or falls; and he will stand, for the Lord is able to make him stand.”
Those who choose to wear masks should not judge those who choose not to do so. Those who choose not to wear masks should not judge those who do. Many choose to wear a mask, not out of fear, but out of care/concern for the people around them.
Please pray for each other and encourage each other.
The Faith Bible Church Elders
November 13: Dear Faith Bible Church family:
Due to rapidly rising COVID-19 cases in Iowa, Governor Reynolds issued a mandatory face mask order for inside gatherings of 25 people or more (two years of age and older). Although some news outlets have interpreted the Governor’s proclamation to be exempting churches, in light of Romans 13:1-7, we are asking that people wear face masks when attending Sunday morning worship services. Also, in light of the rapid increase of cases in Linn County, the close proximity to Thanksgiving and Christmas, and the majority of area school systems shifting to virtual learning, we are suspending children’s and student ministries until we can hopefully resume them after the first of the year. This includes Sunday morning classes for preschool children through high school students (*note – nursery will still be available during both worship services), AWANA and Wednesday Crossroads. Children involved in the Christmas program will still practice during second hour and some Saturdays. Sunday morning Adult Bible Fellowships and Community Groups will still meet; however, no childcare will be provided.
We realize that it may be best for more of you to remain home on Sunday mornings during these days of increased COVID activity. Because of this, and unstable live streaming issues as of late through our internet provider (due to the derecho), we will be taping music and the Sunday morning messages during the week. We will post these tapings so that those desiring to watch the service via the internet can have a stable Sunday morning experience.
For the remainder of 2020, we encourage parents to sit together with their children during Sunday morning worship. We hope to resume children’s and student ministries after the first of the year; however, to do so we will need the church family to make it happen. If we are still under a face mask order, we will need volunteers willing to serve while wearing a mask and children and students willing to wear face masks on Wednesday evenings and Sunday mornings. This is an opportunity for us to love each other according to Romans 14. Many have differing opinions about face masks. We as the Faith Bible Church elders are asking you as the church family to build unity during these difficult days.
By taking these steps we are trying to honor our governor but also honor our Lord Jesus Christ.
Pastor Steve